Barry J Ashmore
Barry spent 20 years in Electrical Contracting before becoming a Construction Contracts Consultant, in which capacity he has been helping Specialist Contractors, Trade Contractors and Subcontractors for the last 29 years.
He is an experienced professional with a broad range of expertise in dispute resolution, negotiation, mediation, marketing, management, adjudication, arbitration, quantity surveying, and the law.
Barry’s career in construction started at the age of 16 as an apprentice electrician. His time on the tools was short lived, and for 20 years worked in various management roles for electrical contracting companies.
A change of career saw him join James R Knowles, an international professional practice which specialised in resolving construction disputes. At the time Knowles were one of the country’s largest firms of Construction Contracts Consultants.
Whilst with Knowles he studied part time to obtain Diplomas in both arbitration and the law and became professionally qualified as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He also enjoyed a few months working in Singapore on a US$30 million dispute about a US$58 million electrical and mechanical project at the Beijing World Trade Centre!
Shortly after returning home, and ever one for a challenge, he joined another professional practice to set up their Nottingham office. During a roller coaster 6 years as a shareholding Director he was instrumental in the growth of that firm’s professional staff from 8 to 38.
For the last 17 years Barry has had his own practice resolving construction disputes for Specialist Contractors and has helped Clients resolve disputes in just about every specialisation including the well-known dispute at Wembley Stadium.
Barry is an expert in his field and has been instrumental in resolving all manner of contractual problems, from a few £thousand to several £millions. He also advises on all kinds of standard and bespoke contract forms, amendments and warranties.
He is the author of The StreetwiseSubbie Fourth Edition published by Routledge (21 May 2018), which deals with payment, delay and disruption, extension of time and the all-important site records. Building on Jack Russell’s work, it has now been brought bang up to date to reflect the importance of the 2011 revisions to the Construction Act and the emergence of adjudication as the pre-eminent means of dispute resolution.
Barry has a very practical down to earth approach and his expertise and passion for helping Specialist Sub Contractors lead him to set up Ltd, which is a unique service that helps all Specialist Contractors to succeed.
Barry has a very practical down to earth approach and specialises in advising Specialist Sub Contractors.
I had a particularly difficult contractual position with a client, which could have led to a significant commercial loss on the project, through Barry’s involvement and assistance I managed to work positively and constructively with the client to amicably resolve the issues to the success of the project.
Barry provided a clear and concise contractual position but then set out scenarios from real life experiences that changed the strategy we adopted; this was instrumental in reaching an amicable resolution of a difficult situation.
I want to express my own and our Directors thanks for your input on our recent payment problems...and the successful resolution of the matter. Many thanks again
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