Are You One Of The Smarter Specialist Contractors?

If you are one of the smartest Specialist Contractors you will know what you don’t know!

What do I mean by that?

Please bear with me for a minute and think back to a time when you didn’t know something that is now very familiar to you. A time when you didn’t even know this thing even existed.

It doesn’t matter what it is, it could be how to use some fancy feature on excel, or a clever new app for your i-phone.

The point is, you didn’t know about it, so you were what the psychologists call a “unconscious incompetent”. Not very flattering is it?

But, all it means is that not only did you not know how it worked, you didn’t even know you didn’t know about it, because you didn’t know it existed!

It’s a bit like not knowing a secret. You didn’t know, because it was just that; a “secret”.

Something others knew but you didn’t!

What has all this got to do with being one of the smarter Specialist Contractors?

The smarter Specialist Contractors know that there is lots of stuff that they simply don’t know, the “secrets” if you will. But they also know that they need to continually discover these secrets to protect their business and make it more successful.

So, as it’s Wise Up Wednesday here’s your opportunity to be one of those smarter Specialist Contractors and discover those secrets!

Here’s how to protect the future of your business…

‘7 Key Secrets That Will Ensure Your Survival And Success In 2014’

The 7 Key Secrets That Will Ensure Your Survival And Success In 2014, will be revealed to you in a fast paced half day seminar with limited spaces at 3 dates across UK wide locations.

The economy is fragile and THOUSANDS of Specialist Contractors have lost their businesses over the past 2 years alone.

The brutal truth is the government doesn’t care about you, most Contractors don’t care about you, and if you’re in a Trade Association it is highly likely that it isn’t doing enough to protect you!

So, we decided it was time to get even more proactive to help you succeed in 2014 and beyond.

Our seminar will arm you with the knowledge you need to give your business the best possible chance not only of survival, but of growth and success in any economy, no matter what the industry throws at you!

The 7 Key Secrets revealed on the day will be all about

1 Knowing who you are working for! Dormant companies, companies of straw and companies registered in other jurisdictions are just some of the obstacles you might face when you try to get paid.

2 Understanding your obligations. Understanding the how, what, when, were and extent of your liability is crucial to ensure that it doesn’t come back to bite you!

3 Not all contracts are the same! If you think that you can get by without understanding the terms of the contract you are highly likely to be one of the business failures of 2014!

4 Don’t create your own problems! Make sure that you don’t fall into the Contractor’s trap of taking no action when problems occur.

5 Price, profit and promotion. How to make sure you are one of the success stories of 2014.

6 How to get paid! The biggest single challenge facing your business in 2014 and how to overcome it.

7 Take action! Learn how to take action to ensure your success in 2014.

So if you want your business to survive and succeed in 2014 then be sure to book your ticket now for the event near you:

Tuesday March 11th – Morning Seminar Cedar Court Hotel Leeds/Bradford

Tuesday March 18th – Morning Seminar at Holiday Inn Chester South

Tuesday March 25th – Morning Seminar at Holiday Inn Luton South


8:30 am Registration

9:00 am Session 1

10:40 am Coffee break

11:00 am Session 2

12:15 pm Question time

12:45 pm Seminar Closes

Normal ticket price is £125  + VAT, reduced to only £50 + VAT for the first 50 places!

The value of the information and support that you will receive on the day is priceless!

And if you are a Streetwise Gold or Platinum Buddy, your entry to the event is entirely free!

Don’t hesitate, book yours and your colleagues places NOW before the discounted places are taken.

Simply email or call the lovely ladies in the Streetwise office on +44 (0)1773 712116 and they will be happy to take your priority Reservation.

If you think that your business doesn’t need to know these secrets take a look at just 2 of February’s headlines from Construction Enquirer;

“Steelwork contractor Graham Wood Structural has collapsed…the firm employed 25 management and office staff with around 50 operatives and owed £2.6m.”

“Administrators have taken over at Matrix Solutions UK…which at its peak turned over £20m a year and had a list of blue chip clients like BAA, Debenhams and Asda…

Don’t let this be you!

There are significant steps that every Specialist Contractor can take to protect your business in 2014.

Don’t be one of the casualties! Reserve your place now by email at or call 01773 712116.

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Construction’s a tough place to do business right now, and Specialist Contractors need all the help you can get. That’s why you will find our resources and expertise are invaluable, whatever the size of your business and whatever your specialisation. We’re here to help you solve all your business problems, including the crucially important contractual ones, such as getting paid.

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