Harsh Reality Check For Specialist Contractors
As the latest payment survey by Textura Europe reveals the grim payment situation you face, this week’s Wise Up Wednesday is a harsh reality check for Specialist Contractors;
- Payment isn’t improving
- Contractors are still out to screw you
- The Government doesn’t care about you
- Some Trade Associations have sold you down the river
- The NSCC has joined the Contractors in Build UK and all talk about poor-payment has seemingly been expunged from the record
Sorry to be so harsh but even Construction News (who are not known for supporting Specialist Contractors) had this to report in an article this month about payment;
Almost all main contractors pay late without justification and poor payment practices are getting worse not better.
No one seems to be willing to tackle [the problem] and they get away with what amounts to fraud day in, day out. Then they have the nerve to ask us to sign non-corruption forms.
So, we want you to know that the Specialist Contractor’s champions StreetwiseSubbie already have lots of resources exclusively for Specialist Contractors, and will soon be launching a multitude of new ones.
We want to engage with, and bring together every single Specialist Contractor in the UK, and help you secure your company’s future whatever the economy, and discover solutions that will make an immediate and positive difference in your business.
Here is what’s already available;
Exclusive Guides
First off, StreetwiseSubbie have published a whole range of easy to read guideswritten specifically and exclusively for you the Specialist Sub-Contractor.
You can find them here; Guides For Specialist Sub-Contractors
And to ensure that we cheer you up we are giving away a copy of;
The Little Book of Crap Advice for Specialist Contractors
Here is your copy
An Intelligent Forum
If you prefer to get answers via an intelligent and exclusive forum (none of the drivel you get in other forums), you are invited to join our exclusive group of over 2,185 owners, directors and senior staff of Specialist Sub-Contractors on LinkedIn.
You can find this exclusive group here Join Your LinkedIn Group!
The group is an exclusive alliance of Specialist Sub-Contractors in the Construction and Engineering Industries, and it will help you to interact with over 2,000 other Specialist Contractors irrespective of your size or specialisation.
And Because We Know Times Are Tough…
We know these are tough times and we are already helping lots of Specialist Contractors just like you to market their business for bigger profits, and help them hang on to those profits in this tough commercial and contractual environment.
Here’s a great way to watch our very best ideas to help protect and grow your business over the next 12 months. It’s a series of presentations enjoyed by over 120 delegates at this year’s conference, and here’s where you can access it;
Protect and Grow Your Business
Trust me, the consequences of not having the right advice on your side can be catastrophic.
Don’t go there. Take action.
But you need to take the right action, at the right time. Waiting to see what happens, or asking the wrong person for advice will not cut it.
But, don’t take my word for it, watch what several delegates thought about it here;
Protect and Grow Your Business
We look forward to keeping you up to date and helping you to resolve all your business problems, and watch out out for our news about… (sorry can’t say yet!!)