Construction Payment Abuse! Cameron Says He Will Act But He Won’t Unless You Do!

Last Sunday I told BBC Radio 5Live’s Adrian Goldberg that the Prompt Payment Charter doesn’t work, and we have the proof.

David Cameron Says He Will Act – But He Won’t Unless You Do!

Call me cynical but the only thing that matters to David Cameron is trying to get re-elected.

That’s not a political statement (I voted for them for Pete’s sake). I’s not political because I believe that is true of most politicians. Debbie Abrahams (and this isn’t political either) is fighting hard on this issue, and deserves tremendous credit.

Let’s face it the government have had plenty of time to deal with the national disgrace that is payment abuse in the construction industry, but they haven’t.

So why believe them now?

The only way that to force their hand, is if the whole dirty business of payment abuse is properly explained to the British public and they say enough is enough.

In no other industry do companies get away with the corporate theft that some Contractors are getting away with.

Instead the Government rewards them by giving them more work and paying them with your money!

How perverse is that?

Despite the introduction of the Government’s Prompt Payment Code, the reality is that less than 4% of Specialist Contractors who had worked on Government projects in the last 12 months were paid within 30 days!

Almost 150 Specialist Contractors have done the survey, but if you haven’t done it yet please do so here;

We MUST take this opportunity to make this the biggest survey of it’s kind. It is already credible, but please help to make it unstoppable!

Please DO NOT be the one that lets the side down by not doing the survey!

And please do your utmost to help.

If you haven’t listened to the show, it’s here;

Add your own story of payment abuse here on the BBC News website;

The show went out live last Sunday, but then what a coincidence!

The day after the Radio5Live investigation Prime Minister David Cameron announced a consultation to look at helping small businesses get paid on time?

They have been “consulting” and prevaricating for years!

So WHY do YOU think he did that? It can only be because the government sees this as an issue on which they have been incredibly weak, and it’s an issue that isn’t going away any time soon.

They also know that the British Public will see the real motives for supporting the big businesses rather than the small ones.


BBC Radio5Live are doing a follow up this Sunday 20 October and have invited Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise Matthew Hancock on to the programme. Please ensure you listen in and respond by text to the number the BBC give out, or email

Please tweet about it now at @BBC5Live with #buildfair4all, and especially on Sunday during the programme.

If he really wants to do something effective, rather than just B.S. about it, here’s my invitation to Mr Cameron to meet me!

Now We Need Your Help To Stop Payment Abuse Destroying The Industry

Here’s what you can do to help;

• If you haven’t done the survey yet please do so
• If you haven’t already had a listen to the show please do so
• Add your own story of payment abuse on the BBC News website.
• Invite all UK Specialist Contractors to come and join our Free LinkedIn Group
• Follow us on Twitter @Streetwisesubbi and tweet #buildfair4all
• Check out the free resources at
• Get in touch at

We have recently been described as a “pressure group”, but we are so much more than that!

Remember we are here to help all Specialist Contractors irrespective of size or specialisation and we provide a fantastic support network.

Why not come and see just how much we have to offer you and your business?

Thanks and best regards


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