Wise Up Wednesday: Bad Contractors or Clients Are Bad For Your Business!
Welcome to this week’s Wise Up Wednesday, the Specialist Contractor’s regular weekly burst of useful information, sometimes hard hitting, but always quick to read and designed to help rather than hinder your progress to greater profits, and less stress.
As you might expect we talk with lots of Specialist Contractors, and a great many of them tell us that they want to work with better Contractors or Clients.
We also know from 28 years of resolving disputes that bad Contractors or Clients are very bad for your wealth and maybe even your health!
So,my question is; “Are You Working For The Wrong People?”
Working for the wrong Contractors or Clients can cause major problems because they will drain your resources by;
- not paying on time
- paying less than they should
- being difficult to work with
- not being able to manage their project properly
- not solving the problems that are hampering your progress
If you’re honest, you know it’s happened to you at some point in the past!
Reasons You Can End Up Working For The Wrong People
There are broadly two reasons why Specialist Contractors end up working with Contractors or Clients they shouldn’t.
- First, they don’t disqualify properly. In other words, they didn’t see the warning signs that the other person was bad for business.
- Second, they didn’t have enough opportunities, to work for better Contractors and Clients and took the job on out of desperation.
Unfortunately, I see a combination of these factors happening all the time, and when we discuss why we ended up with this client,some of the things I hear include:
- They were a big company so we thought it would be fine.
- “We were desperate for the work”
- “We didn’t have anyone else asking us to price”
- “They just sent us an enquiry”
- “They came to us out of the blue”
None of the above are a good reason to be working for anyone. Think Carillion!
So What’s To Be Done about It?
The first key to overcoming the problem is to take a good objective look at your own business and to decide what are your objectives, what works for you.
And if what’s on offer doesn’t fit, you need to be able to say to yourself; “I don’t need this kind of business.”
That’s something that takes guts, and you have to have enough opportunities coming into your business to be able to say that.
That’s why you need to be effectively prospecting, so that you have plenty of leads in your sales pipeline, so you can choose more effectively.
Effective Marketing
- Marketing is not just for big companies!
- Good marketing is not expensive!
- Effective marketing DOES work for Specialist Contractors!
If you don’t believe me, just ask for examples and we will send you plenty! And yes these are all Specialist Contractors just like you, working in various specialist trades and from small companies to those with multi-million turnover.
But, if the only “marketing” you do is to get out there pricing jobs for anybody and everybody, don’t be surprised if you end with a bad experience, and saying; “We will never work for them again!”
Shape Your Future
You can play your part in bringing about change for the better, both in your own business and in the industry. And we are ready willing and able to help you with that.
So, whether it’s getting better people to work for, or helping you with over 40 other aspects of your business, please feel free to give us a call on 01773 712116 or email info@streetwisesubbie.com.
I hope you enjoyed my Wise Up Wednesday email and that it gave you some food for thought, and I sincerely hope to speak with you soon.
Best regards
P.S. Please remember that we are here to help with all your business needs, so if you’re not sure what to do or just want a second opinion, please give us a call on 01773 712116, or email info@streetwisesubbie.com