Wise Up Wednesday: Beating Constructions Ups and Downs
Beating Constructions Up’s and Downs
Are the prospects for construction on the up, or are we heading back to gloom and doom?
The latest official figures show falling construction activity, for the first time since 2013 Q1, so we could be in for a bumpy ride.
But, whatever the prospects for construction as a whole, your Wise Up Wednesday Guides are here to help you beat the Up’s and Down’s and succeed in your Specialist Contractor business life.
Sometimes quirky, sometimes hard hitting, but always guaranteed to make you think and take no more than 2 minutes to read.
A Clever Little Formula – Whether It’s Up or Down
Last week I went to a free introductory seminar. It wasn’t great timing because I had other things that needed to get done. But, I took the time out to go, and I’m mighty glad that I did.
Because it gave me a whole load of tips that we can take action on here at StreewiseSubbie.com to help us to help you.
And it gave me one very important formula that you can use whether the prospects for construction are up or down. And I want to share it with you today.
If S x A = Results what do we need to do to improve Results, where S = Skills and A = Action?
First lets put some hypothetical numbers in. So we have 1 x 8 = 8
So what happens if we want to increase turnover, or improve profitability? Let’s say that means we want to achieve a result of 16.
Well, we can work harder and take more action; 1 x 16 = 16
But, if Action = hours in a day, that’s a pretty tough way to increase Results.
And if our Skill level or effectiveness drops in the process, we might end up with something like this; 0.75 x 16 = 12
So, how about we improve our Skills?
Let’s say we increase our skills by 50%, not too much to ask is it?
Our results now look like this; 1.5 x 8 = 12
And if we learn a few extra Skills it’s; 2 x 8 = 16
So by marginally increasing our Skills and expertise, we can achieve great Results for the same amount of Action.
Never Stop Learning
That simple little formula reminded me just how important it is for me to work on my skills. Although I’m now 61, and have been actively studying for the last 30 years, I still learn something new almost every day, and I intend to never stop learning.
It can be interesting, enjoyable and fun, and it takes many forms.
For instance why not check out the videos of our exclusive conference for Specialist Contractors and share an interesting and informative day that was enjoyed by over 120 other Specialist Contractors from all over the UK?
You can find details here; Conference 2015.
Communicate And Share With People
No person is an island. Learn to understand, learn from, and share with others.
Successful people develop and nurture their network in a positive and collaborative way.
Joining our exclusively Specialist Contractors LinkedIn Group is free, but LinkedIn seem determined to make it hard to join an exclusive group like ours. So if you can’t find it here; LinkedIn Group , please email Tanya@streetwisesubbie.com and she will sort it for you.
You Don’t Have To Go It Alone
Maybe we can help improve your S = Skills, and/or solve some of those problems that are causing you to put in the hours. Why not give us a call and have a chat?
As the old saying goes; “a problem shared is a problem halved” and I have been cost effectively solving Specialist Contractor’s problems for the last 25 years.
Why not let me and StreetwiseSubbie.com help solve yours?
I hope you enjoyed my Wise Up Wednesday and that it gave you some food for thought, and I sincerely hope to speak with you soon.