Wise Up Wednesday: Ensuring Your Success and Sharing It With Others
Ensuring Your Success And Sharing It With Others
Our Wise Up Wednesday Guides are here to give Specialist Contractors a quick burst of useful information that will help you succeed in your business life, irrespective of your size or specialisation.
Sometimes quirky, sometimes hard hitting, but always guaranteed to make you think and take no more than 2 minutes to read.
StreetwiseSubbie’s LinkedIn Group
If you are a member of Streetwisesubbie’s LinkedIn Group you will already know that it helps you to achieve success and share success.
If you’re not already a member, it’s free and you can find it here;
It provides the opportunity to strengthen your connections with like-minded individuals in an exclusive forum, and a private space to interact with Specialist Contractors that share common skills, experiences, industry affiliations, and goals.
You get to strengthen connections with individuals in an exclusive forum and you can send members of the group direct messages. This is important because on LinkedIn, by default, you cannot send messages to people you don’t know.
Of course there is more to the StreetwiseSubbie Group than just being able to send private messages:
• You widen your network because LinkedIn considers members of a common group your 2nd degree connections
• You can start relevant discussions
• You can comment on discussions
• You can submit your blog posts and articles: if they are relevant to the group
• You can share warnings about the onerous practices of certain Contractors, (but you must be able to refer to the facts and not just slag them off).
And you can share your success stories too!
So, please come and tell us about the good things you have achieved as well as the problems you are encountering.
You can find us here; LinkedIn Group
And if you are already in our LinkedIn Group please share it with all the other Specialist Contractors you know, and come and contribute to its success.
Because if everyone in the industry was as good as the best Specialist Contractors, the industry would be a whole lot more profitable and successful.
And you never know we might find a way to get Specialist Contractors the recognition you deserve!
Success Leaves Clues – Learning From Others
On the subject of success (and I know I have mentioned it before) there is a fantastic opportunity to hear Gordon Bromley our Key Note speaker on 14 July 2015.
This guy built a £150 million turnover business from nothing!
If that isn’t success I don’t know what is…
Trust me, you would normally have to pay big money to hear this guy, and the only reason he has agreed to speak is because he is a personal friend of one of our Gold Buddies.
There is a fantastic day in prospect with a total of ten speakers all presenting short, interesting, relevant content.
We have over 100 delegates already booked in and there will be a real buzz about the day, and a great opportunity to network, contribute to your success, or share your own success stories.
So please do not miss this; “Win Work-Get Paid-Make Money”
You can book on-line, or by email to info@streetwisesubbie.com, or you can call 01773 712116.
I hope you enjoyed my Wise Up Wednesday blog post and that it gave you some food for thought, and as always if we can help you to be more successful and/or help you resolve a tricky problem, then please don’t hesitate to give us a call.