#WiseUpWednesday: 3 Year Debt Agony – Resolved In 7 Days!

3 Year Debt Agony Resolved In 7 Days

Wow, that’s what I call a result.

3 Years of the Contractor’s BS excuses for not paying swept aside.

We put an end to the Specialist Contractor’s 3 year wait for their money in just 7 days.

So How Was it Done?

This case is typical of why you shouldn’t struggle on alone trying to collect your money. Because, at the end of the day getting paid can often come down to just 3 things;

  • knowing what to say
  • knowing how to say it
  • knowing who to say it to

So, let’s take a look at each element in turn.

Knowing what to say in this case, required knowledge of construction law and in particular the application of the Construction Act. When it applies, and when it’s in your favour there is nowhere for the Contractor to hide.

Knowing how to say it required not only knowledge of construction law, but also a certain degree of gravitas and compelling drafting that makes our expert’s letter hard to ignore.

Knowing who to say it to is easy if you have got the first two points absolutely bang on. Because, unless there is a good reason not to, we usually start at the top of the tree. The CEO, MD or in this case the Chief Financial Officer of Willmott Dixon.

It’s Still The #1 Problem for Specialist Contractors…

Payment, or rather the lack of it, is still the #1 reason that Specialist Contractors contact Streetwisesubbie.com. That’s why we have prepared our complimentary report “How To Get Paid” which you can find below.

The fact of the matter is that whilst some Trade Associations, Build UK and the government, promote nonsensical solutions to the very real and business threatening payment problems facing the industry, we get stuck in and sort it out for you.

And we would like you help to highlight the very real problems that still exist in construction by taking a very quick payment survey;

Please Complete Payment Survey Now

So, if you are not getting paid properly then don’t delay in getting it sorted.

Please don’t stand for late or underpayment, or struggle on alone.

Take action

Take action to safeguard your business from the catastrophic impact of reduced, late, or non-payment in 2016.

If you don’t then it could cost you your business…

Unscrupulous Contractors use every trick in the book, to reduce and delay payments. Specialist Contractor’s efforts to avoid or rectify this problem often come too late in the process.

Don’t be one of the casualties, take action now.

You can download a complimentary “How To Get Paid” report right now, and put an end to reduced, late and non-payment.

And you can call us for initial no cost advice on 01773 712116, and our Gold and Platinum Buddies can use their commercial and contractual consultancy to find an answer.

Whatever level your business is at, and whatever your specialisation I want to encourage you to experience and enjoy a better more profitable, less stressful way.

I hope you enjoyed my Wise Up Wednesday and that it gave you some food for thought, and please don’t hesitate to grab your Complimentary Report at “How To Get Paid”

And if you need any help with any of your business problems pick up the phone and give us a call on 01773 712116.


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Construction’s a tough place to do business right now, and Specialist Contractors need all the help you can get. That’s why you will find our resources and expertise are invaluable, whatever the size of your business and whatever your specialisation. We’re here to help you solve all your business problems, including the crucially important contractual ones, such as getting paid.

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