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At Streetwise we are always looking to solve Specialist Sub-Contractor’s problems. That includes subcontractors commercial problems.
Specialist Sub-Contracting can be a tough business and it’s no surprise that at some point you are going to bump into some sort of commercial problem.
As Specialist Sub-Contracting is all about entering into legally binding commercial contracts (with Contractors or Clients) you will be pleased to know that you can find a wealth of information on about avoiding commercial problems.
If you simply haven’t got time to look or have any commercial problem whatsoever and you can’t find what you are looking for, then why not use the Ask Streetwise feature on this site to ask our Virtual Team of experts for help?
For Specialist Sub-Contractors Maintaining Cash Flow Is Vital for Survival!
In the current climate Specialist Sub-Contractors are finding it much more difficult to obtain credit or borrow money.
So maintaining cash flow is absolutely vital for your survival.
Here are a few ways you can use to avoid non-payment or under payment.
Sources of Useful Information For Subcontractors is dedicated to providing subcontractors with practical and useful information and access to a whole range of commercial information relative to the construction and engineering industries.
Listed below are useful information sires for subcontractors in the construction and engineering industries;
You can follow the link above to a whole range of information relating to the UK MOD procurement system and standard documentation.
Specialist Sub-Contracting can be a complicated business and it’s no surprise that at some point you are going to come across contract documents, sub-contract documents and other contractual documentation that is difficult to understand.You may also be asked to work in accordance with contracts or sub-contract documents that you haven’t heard of or used before.
Our Virtual Team have vast experience in construction and engineering related contracts and are available to help you to avoid the commercial and contractual risks of accepting onerous contract conditions.
why not use the Ask Streetwise feature?