StreetwiseSubbie’s Proposed Fair Treatment Charter Is Recommended by MPs as Solution To Late Payment Issues In Construction Industry
The Fair Treatment Charter, which was created by myself, put forward during my trip to Parliament and received overwhelming support during the official launch at our June conference, has been formally recognised and recommended by MPs as a solution to the payment issues faced by UK specialist contractors.
The report, which was a follow up of the All Party Inquiry I attended, called for the Government to “work with SMEs and support the establishment or development of trade associations to negotiate, for example, a Fair Treatment Charter, on behalf of member organisations,” in order to help SMEs avoid late payments.
The report, which can be downloaded along with the Fair Treatment Charter (FTC) from our website by clicking here, detailed further findings and recommendations, including the mandatory publishing of payment-times and performance data for the supply chain to access, and making fair payment a contractual requirement on all Government jobs.
Debbie Abrahams , the MP who chaired the All Party Inquiry into late payment, said: “Until top CEOs, and their executive board members, make a decision to act ethically in business, and treat our small and medium sized businesses fairly, this problem will persist.
“The public has grown tired of hearing about huge, greed driven, pay packets, pay-offs for failure and tax evasion; but allowing a culture of late payment to persist unchallenged is another board-level decision that directly effects ordinary, hardworking, people across the country.”
The Fair Treatment Charter
The FTC has 12 simple points, all with the aim to level out the playing field for UK specialist contractors within the construction industry and prevent late payments and unfair treatment by large contractors causing more businesses to go under.
You will find more information about the Fair Treatment Charter by clicking here, and if you haven’t already please take a look at our Action Pack, which provides you with all the necessary information and resources for you to do your bit to support the Charter.
The support we have had so far is phenomenal, and I thank you all for this, but I will not rest until the FTC is not just another recommendation, but a real implemented solution that is helping turn our industry around once more! Please keep checking the website to find out what more you can do to show your support and help us make the Charter a reality!