David Cameron Is On High Alert, Let’s Force Real Action Against Late Payment While We Can!

After last Sunday’s investigation into late payment on BBC Radio5Live caused such an uproar about the failure of the Prompt Payment Code and the lack of action by the Government to help the situation, David Cameron ‘coincidently’ made a politician’s promise to ‘help small businesses get paid on time’.

That’s all good and well Mr Cameron, but it means nothing to us without some serious action to back it up. And we know that the only way to get action out of the Government is to take action ourselves!

Due to the overwhelming response received on last week’s late payment investigation show, BBC Radio5Live are doing a follow up TOMORROW (Sunday 20 October) and have invited Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise Matthew Hancock on to the programme. As well as listening in, there are plenty of actions you can take to help do your bit in the battle against late payment, and the more YOU do, the more Cameron has to listen and follow suit!

Please ensure you listen in and respond by text to the number the BBC give out, or email goldberg@bbc.co.uk.

Please tweet about it now at @BBC5Live with #buildfair4all, and especially on Sunday during the programme.

You can also do the following to help:

• If you haven’t done the survey yet please do so by clicking here, it takes just 2 minutes!
• If you haven’t already had a listen to last week’s show please do so by clicking here.
• Add your own story of payment abuse on the BBC News website.
• Invite all UK Specialist Contractors to come and join our Free LinkedIn Group.

• Follow us on Twitter: @Streetwisesubbi and tweet #buildfair4all
• Check out the free resources at StreetwiseSubbie.com
• Get in touch with me via email: barry@streetwisesubbie.com


We have recently been described as a “pressure group”, but we are so much more than that!

Remember we are here to help all Specialist Contractors irrespective of size or specialisation and we provide a fantastic support network.

Why not come and see just how much we have to offer you and your business?

Thanks and best regards


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