Wise Up Wednesday: A Miracle At Christmas?

fair and proper paymentFair and proper payment: This is the last edition of Wise Up Wednesday before Christmas and as the big day approaches, I wish I had a miracle cure to solve all of the construction industry’s problems. Unfortunately I don’t.

I wish I could give every Specialist Contractor the peace of mind of fair and proper payment, but I can’t.


I wish I could ensure that you always get treated fairly and that you never had to suffer at the hands of unscrupulous or uncaring Main Contractors, but that just isn’t going to happen.

And most of all I wish I could change the law to ban all unfair practices, but I can’t do that either I’m afraid.

Fair And Proper Payment – Here’s What I Can Guarantee

I can guarantee you that we are here for all Trade Contractors, Specialist Contractors and Subcontractors irrespective of your size or specialisation.

I can guarantee that you can find lots of very useful information on our web site and; Here’s The Useful Information!

I can guarantee that if you call us on 01773 712116 you will be able to have an initial chat with one of our expert Consultants for free.

I can guarantee that after a lifetime in the industry and decades as professional Consultants, we know exactly how to help you to solve your business problems.

And I can guarantee that if you do run into any kind of problem StreetwiseSubbie has a nationwide network of Consultants to help you solve your problems by bringing you cost effective resources to help make your life easier and your business more profitable.

By working with our Service Delivery Partners across the country, we bring you professional support in all the essential areas of your business, including securing fair and proper payment at the right time.

And, because we only work with Trade Contractors, Specialist Contractors and Subcontractors, you can be sure that we know the kind of problems you face, and the solutions that work best. Which saves you a lot of time, and a lot of money.

So please feel free to give us a call on 01773 712116 or email us via this link.

I sincerely hope you have a fabulous Christmas and New Year.

Barry Ashmore

P.S. Please remember that we are here to provide solutions exclusively for Trade contractors, Specialist Contractors and Subcontractors. If you have a business problem, not sure what to do or just want a second opinion, then we are here for you. Please give us a call on 01773 712116. Alternatively, you can contact us via the StreetwiseSubbie Contact Page.

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