Launch of Fair Treatment Charter at Our Sell Out Conference Could Mark Turning Point For Construction Industry!

On  Friday, 7th June we hosted our sell out conference at the Nottingham Belfry Hotel, where near on a hundred delegates from the construction industry met to discuss how to turn around the dire state of an industry in decline. The buzz at the conference was felt by all as 9 speakers took to the floor to each share their own knowledge, experiences and expertise in a

bid to help Specialist Contractors take control of both their businesses and the future of the industry.

The main attraction of the event was the launch of our Fair Treatment Charter I which was met by an overwhelmingly positive response.  Many have hailed the charter as ‘the industry’s fix’ and many more have already downloaded copies from our website with the intent of spreading the word to their peers who could not attend the event. Please click here to download a copy.

Despite what David Cameron says it is clear that  many MPs simply do not understand, or don’t want to acknowledge, the full extent of unfair treatment meted out to Specialist Contractors and how this is  contributing to the slow decline of the UK construction industry. It really  is up to  all Specialist Contractors to take action and save our industry for the good of all those that work in it and for the good of the country as a whole..

At StreetwiseSubbie we are in a unique position to understand the plight of the Specialist Contractors whatever your  size or specialisation, because we are in touch with literally thousands of you  on-line, and our Nationwide Network of Consultants are helping to resolve problems on a daily basis. The Fair Treatment Charter has been launched, and whether the Government take notice or not, the Specialist Contractors of the UK have shown their willingness and readiness to take action and we have provided them with the necessary tools.

construction industry streetwise subbie

The industry is dominated by the big corporate players who have the resources to survive. They also have a stranglehold over their supply chain simply because they control the flow of cash. But, the shocking and grim reality of the situation for the construction industry is that more than 5,000 Specialist Contracting companies have failed since the start of recession, and over 200,000 jobs lost, and that can’t be good for the industry or the economy.

Please click here to download of the Fair Treatment Charter and join the fight to fix specialist contracting in the UK. 

I would just like to say a huge thank you to all that have supported the cause so far, both in speaking at, or attending the conference, or by downloading and spreading the Fair Treatment Charter.

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