It Pays To Keep In Touch – And Kill Not One, Not Two… But Three Birds With One Stone!

With a shameless bit of cribbing from the marketing guru Chris Cardell, who gave me the initial idea (he advocates we copy his ideas-after all that’s what we pay him for), and with a significant bit of development from me, here’s how to kill 3 birds with one stone!

First A Bit of Scene Setting (this is the bit I have borrowed)

Imagine this. You’ve been invited to two parties on the same day. One is a small party with a few people and the food promises to be no more than average; the other is being held in an expensive hotel with free fine champagne and the best food cooked by a top Cordon Bleu chef. Which invitation would you be more likely to accept?

It isn’t a trick question. The answer is the one with the fine food and drink of course.

But what if the small party was being held by a bunch of close friends whose company you really enjoyed, and the glitzy bash was being held by a bunch of people you didn’t know at all.

You might still go for the expensive bash, just to see what it was like. But in many cases you would choose to spend time with the people you know and whose company you enjoy, and many people would make the same decision.

Business Is Still Done By People! (mostly my own work from here on in)

It’s a simple fact that we like to spend time with people we know and like, and yet many business-owners think business is somehow different, and that it doesn’t follow the same rules. But according to research, nothing could really be further from the truth.

We like to spend time with our friends (especially those who keep in touch regularly) and as consumers we like to buy from businesses we know and – importantly – which keep in touch with us regularly.

So what does this mean for you as a business-owner?

Here’s The First Bird (and my marketing tip for you)

The message is a really simple one.

Once someone has bought from you and become a customer or client, you should keep in touch with them regularly, because if you do they’re much more likely to buy more. In many cases, you don’t even need to make a specific offer. Just be there, as and when they’re ready to buy again, the chances are they’ll think of you.

The good news is it’s so easy to keep in touch with customers and clients by using modern methods. It takes work, of course, but try it and I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well it pays to keep in touch.

And if you’re not sure how to start, or don’t have the resources, we can take care of it all for you.

Here’s Bird Number 2

By simply posting this blog post for you to read, I am endeavouring to follow my own advice and keep in touch with you!

And there are lots of other ways that we can stay in touch too. So please check which of the following ways suit you best and let’s stay connected:

*         Let’s connect on LinkedIn (we can set it up for you if you aren’t on there yet, just email and one of our lovely ladies in the office will get in touch!)

*         Join our exclusive LinkedIn group of over 1,540 Specialist Contractors and contribute to the debate

*         Follow us on Twitter, @StreetwiseSubbi, and use the #buildfair4all hashtag to tweet your support (again, if you need help setting up on there, just email us)

*         Join our mailing list, where you can receive exclusive content and advice on contractual and commercial matters, and sales and marketing help too! Simply email and request to subscribe

Now if you are like I used to be and think that social media has no place in the macho world of construction and engineering, then maybe it’s time to think again, because just like mobile phones, emails, and shopping online has done previously, social media is becoming ever more significant, whether we like it or not.

So please give me a call and let’s see what else we can do together.

And Finally Bird Number 3

It’s that time of year when we send our best wishes to everyone we know and care about.

So, please have a very Merry Christmas, and let’s hope that 2014 is a Happy New Year.

It’s certainly going to be a big year for my wife and me as we are both going to be 60, and we will be celebrating having been married for 40 years too!

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