Secure That Information Or It Could Prove Costly!
It’s Wise Up Wednesday and most sites are opening up in one way or another. But, it’s inevitable that if business doesn’t return to pre-lockdown levels, you may have to let some of your team go. But, don’t forget to secure that information.
And whilst you should rightly be ensuring that any redundancies are made professionally, and with understanding and empathy, therein lies a potential hidden problem – “where’s the information?”
Secure That Information. Don’t Let Information “Walk” Out The Door
Letting project staff go during the coronavirus crisis could leave you exposed when trying to agree accounts or during future contract disputes. Please don’t let project data or vital information walk out the door with redundant staff, secure that information.
It’s highly likely that account difficulties and contract disputes will arise as a result of covid-19 related delays, Main Contractor’s staff changes and cost increases. And it’s inevitable that many Specialist Contractors, Trade Contractors and Subcontractors will need to shed at least some of their staff as the government furlough scheme winds down.
We share the view of Consultant Lori Noeth who said: “Dealing with claims is a lot more difficult where project staff are no longer available, and their collective knowledge is lost.
“Information needs to be carefully collated now prior to the departure of key staff so their project knowledge is captured in records rather than just committed to memory.”
And in my 30 years of dispute resolution I have seen this problem arise time and time again where vital information and emails are lost because the company only had one copy and that copy went out the door with the individual.
So, unless you have a very sophisticated system, the likes of which I have only ever seen once, you need to get busy safeguarding that information!
Taking Action To Secure That Information And Protect Your Business
Of course every situation will be different, but here are a few thoughts about ensuring you have access to all that important information;
1. Secure all hard copy files at the office – especially if the individual has been working from home
2. Download all employee devices – could be tricky if personal devices have been used for business!
3. Eliminate or restrict access to the employee’s mailbox
4. Backup and archive all data
5. Determine if data access can be limited
6. Check any external cloud applications
7. Disable company-owned mobile devices
8. Restrict administrator access
You need to use a fair amount of tact and diplomacy because no two employees will react in the same way and whilst some will want to help you, others might deliberately delete everything – as one of our Client’s has just discovered to their cost!
A Timely Reminder About Protecting Your Business Contractually
Whilst having the information is one thing, here’s a timely reminder about protecting the contractual side of things going forward. Please do not think that this is going to take care of itself, or that common sense and fair play will prevail.
Here’s a quick checklist for protecting your interests;
- If you’re being delayed issue those notices
- If you’re not getting paid suspend work if you can
- Challenge spurious set offs
- If you’re not getting paid take action sooner rather than later
- Don’t procrastinate – escalate
- Check the contract before you sign/start work
- If you don’t know – don’t be afraid to ask!
- Keep good records – at the end of the day evidence wins cases!
Visit Our website
There is a whole host of free information on our web site and there is even more information and cost effective support available through our membership services starting with Tribe at just £1.00 a day!
Just like our premium level services (all of which include Tribe), Tribe provides answers to the common business problems Specialist Contractors face every day. The difference is the price and the way you access the information. For just £1.00 a day you can help yourself to all of the following resources;
- Ask Streetwise – Ask any question and get an answer
- Is My Contract Onerous? – Contract checking service
- Commercial and contractual information
- How to get paid – advice and information
- Business presentations – short helpful video presentations
And a whole range of other stuff that will help you in your business.
And You Can Of Course Call Our Helpline
Our friendly team are on hand to ensure that you get the help and support you need to get through this and make a profit. Call us on 01773 712116 or email
Take action now to protect your business, your team, and your family.