Specialist Contractors – Make becoming more Streetwise YOUR only New Year’s Resolution!
What’s your New Year’s resolution this year?
I can tell you that mine is to make sure that me and the team here at StreetwiseSubbie.com continue to make a positive impact on the business lives of Specialist Contractors in the UK construction industry.
Not only will we be campaigning for fairer treatment, we will also be making sure that as many UK Specialist Contractors as possible know how to protect themselves contractually, and market their services better.
Without wanting to sound like a kill joy, the “growth” and “improvement” in the UK construction as widely reported in the media in 2013, has made little or no difference to the old non-paying, under-valuing, bullying ways that some of the Main Contractors now regard as standard practice.
Specialist Contractors still suffered from the after effects of late payment and unfair treatment that led to more than 5,500 Specialist Contracting firms going bust in the last couple of years, and many more having to make redundancies and cut backs just to keep their heads above water.
So, we urge you all to do everything in your power to protect yourself against the commercial dangers that regrettably will still threaten your company during 2014, and to do as much as you can to improve the bigger picture for UK construction by standing up for Specialist Contractors.
What do I mean by that?
Well, as you might expect, I talk to lots of Specialist Contractors, and more and more are taking a much more pragmatic view of their business. They are steering clear of jobs with little or no margin and Contractors who don’t pay! And whilst that means less turnover, most of them are finding that they can make almost as much profit.
And, if all Specialist Contractors took the same view, then prices would rise accordingly, and the worst Contractors would have no-one to work for them!
By standing up for Specialist Contractors, the bigger picture for UK construction would improve for all the good honest hard working firms, and the unscrupulous Contractors would fail.
But the most important benefit of pragmatism is less risk and fewer sleepless nights!
Reducing risk, improving profitability and ensuring you get paid, are all benefits that our nationwide team of experts will help you to enjoy. Our Buddies are benefitting from the professional support that helps you win your commercial and contractual battles, and grow and strengthen your business.
If you are interested in knowing more then you can find out exactly what our Gold Buddy membership provides right here.
But first, you should know that in order to make absolutely certain there is no financial risk to you whatsoever, we have engineered our service so that in just the first 3 months alone you receive more value than you will pay for your membership in a whole 3 years!
No wonder we call it our ‘No Brainer Value Package’!
And no it’s not “too good to be true”, because when you read what our Gold Buddies have to say about us you will see that you only need to make just one New Year’s Resolution this year, and that’s to become more streetwise by becoming a StreetwiseSubbie Gold Buddy, and giving your business the best possible outlook for 2014 and beyond!
Happy New Year from everyone here at StreetwiseSubbie.