Wise Up Wednesday: New Decade – New Future For Specialist Contractors?

This week’s Wise up Wednesday is the first of the new decade so Happy New Year and Happy New Decade to all Specialist Contractors!

Will the new decade be a new future for you and your company, or will it be more of the same?

I sincerely hope that it will be a bright new future, because the past few years seem to have been pretty grim! So let’s not dwell on that, let’s talk about what we can do to ensure your future is bright and successful.

Firstly, Here’s A Thought For Specialist Contractors:

“The Engineering & Construction (E&C) industry strongly affects the economy, the environment and society as a whole.

It touches the daily lives of everyone, as quality of life is heavily influenced by the built environment surrounding people.

The construction industry serves almost all other industries, as all economic value creation occurs within or by means of buildings or other “constructed assets”.

As an industry, moreover, it accounts for 6% of global GDP. It is also the largest global consumer of raw materials, and constructed objects account for 25-40% of the world’s total carbon emissions.”

From “Shaping The Future Of Construction” by World Economic Forum.

specialist contractors

Wow there’s a thing!

The industry, and therefore you and I as part of that industry, are responsible for 6% of global GDP, and what we do touches the lives of just about everyone on the planet!

That’s a big responsibility, so let’s have a think about who does what within the industry and their importance.


The people who want stuff built and have the money to pay for it. Therefore very important.

Architects and Designers

They bring creative flair and skilled design of “constructed objects”. Therefore very important.

Specialist Contractors/Trade Contractors/Subcontractors

That’s you! Specialist contractors are the very people who actually know exactly how to build the “constructed objects” and provide the resources to do it. Therefore very important.

Main Contractors

The firms that act as “middlemen” between the Employers and the Subcontractors. More often than not, they don’t bring any skills or money of their own, they just get in the way, and make you pay for their shortcomings!

Unfortunately, they have convinced others that they are important.

You Are The Future

You my friends are important to the future of this great industry of ours.

So, it is entirely in your hands as to whether or not you are going to put up with more of the same that has been going on for the last 10 years, or are going to work with us and other like minded Specialist Contractors/Trade Contractors and Subcontractors to change the industry for the better.

Just before Christmas I said that I wished I had a miracle cure to solve all of the construction industry’s problems, but unfortunately I don’t.

I wish I could guarantee you the bright and prosperous future your skill and hard work deserves, but I cant.

But there are things I can guarantee you…

Here’s What I Can Guarantee Specialist Contractors

  1. I can guarantee you, that we are here for all Trade Contractors, Specialist Contractors and Subcontractors irrespective of your size or specialisation.
  2. I can guarantee you, that we will work with anyone who genuinely wants to improve the industry for Specialist Contractors, Trade Contractors and Subcontractors.
  3. I can guarantee you, that you can find lots of very useful information and resources on our web site and; Here’s The Useful Information!
  4. I can guarantee you, that if you call us on 01773 712116 you will be able to have an initial chat with one of our expert Consultants for free.
  5. I can guarantee you, that after a lifetime in the industry and decades as professional Consultants, we know exactly how to help you to solve your business problems.
  6. And I can guarantee you, that if you do run into any kind of problem StreetwiseSubbie has a nationwide network of Consultants to help you solve your problems by bringing you cost effective resources to help make your life easier and your business more profitable.

By working with our Service Delivery Partners across the country, we bring you professional support in all the essential areas of your business.

And, because we only work with Trade Contractors, Specialist Contractors and Subcontractors, you can be sure that we know the kind of problems you face, and the solutions that work best. Which saves you a lot of time, and a lot of money.

So please feel free to give us a call on 01773 712116 or email us via this link  or why not join us today via one of our membership options?

I sincerely hope to speak with you soon.

And don’t forget, we are here to provide solutions exclusively for Trade Contractors, Specialist Contractors and Subcontractors. If you have a business problem, are not sure what to do, or just want a second opinion, then we are here for you. Please give us a call on 01773 712116, or send an email today.

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