The #buildfair4all campaign has come so far, and it’s all thanks to you guys!
So as you will all have probably gathered by now we have been and still are running a campaign to bring to light the treatment issues that plague the construction industry and hit specialist contractors hard, and we are also working towards a new Fair Treatment Charter being put in place and acted upon. I am writing this post today to update you all on the progress made, and to once again say thank you for all your continuous support, and to say please keep it coming!
So the story so far is that we have had a great response from the media to our recent survey results (click here to take a look) and our bid to turn things around for the industry. We have been featured in the following publications:
- The Daily Telegraph
- The Construction Enquirer
- The Electrical Times
- HVP Mag
- Contract Flooring Journal (Page 20, November 2012 issue)
We gained nearly 400 shares so far from the media coverage, and 25 comments, but please don’t stop there! Click the links above to view and share the articles.
As part of the campaign we have also contacted a number of politicians, trade bodies, government bodies, and other relevant officials to ask for their support and aid in putting in place a Fair Treatment Charter. We are happy to say we have already had positive responses from Phillip Heenan, Head of Construction Policy and Standards at the Cabinet Office, and have also had some encouraging replies from the Chief Executive of Construction Skills, Mark Farrar, and the Federation of Plastering and Drywall Contractors. We are currently in dialogue with influential groups including the ECA and the NSCC, and all of which have so far been extremely supportive of our cause.
The growth of support from our LinkedIn Group, which now has 1,071 members and counting all getting involved, and our Twitter, which has 454 followers today with 6% actively Tweeting and Re-Tweeting us with their support has been phenomenal, but we could always use more so please do follow us on Twitter and join in the debate in our LinkedIn group. We also now have a LinkedIn company page where you can find out more about who we are and what we are doing.
Another encouraging factor is that since our campaign began, not only have we had almost 3,000 visitors to our website and 1,000 members signing up for information, but we have also had specialist contractors open up to us about their own personal experiences of unfair treatment, and how it has affected their companies and their lives. We would like to thank all those who have already come forward to help us paint a true picture of the treatment we are campaigning against, and we could always use more stories like this, so please contact me at or call me on 01773715062 to talk about your case, anonymously or not.