A Christmas Wish From One Specialist Contractor – To Those Who Have The Power Or The Influence To Grant It
Here’s a sincere Christmas wish to everyone who has the responsibility for paying their suppliers and sub-contractors from one of the Specialist Contractors in our exclusive Linked In group;
“To all the employees of main contractors that have little connection between payments received and their wages:
This time of year is supposed to be celebratory. But for me as a Specialist Contractor, it is one of barely being able to eat, and sleepless nights .
You see, I rely on people paying me within the contractual times , and when they have promised, in order to run my business and pay everyone’s wages.
Please don’t use excuses about getting the paperwork right at the last minute and then not seeing fit to treat it as a priority.
Please don’t promise the beginning of December and still not pay 19 days in.
I have staff to pay and suppliers , your ineptitude (or deliberate non payment) has a human cost right the way down the line.
All I want is what I am due and owed and to pass the seasonal good wishes on .
Just like when you wanted the work done we turned up prepared and in time.
I am sick to the back teeth of these miserable Scrooge like tactics.
They cause a great deal of stress and are quite frankly cruel and sick.
It’s mainly women in this sector that collect payments and at the end of the day it’s our children that are affected while we are strung out like mad because of lies or disorganisation .
I am organised and have worked until god knows what time every night for months to ensure my obligations are met.
Now due to the incompetency and disregard of others I can’t even greet my kid from the last day of school and do something fun for the break.
Before you assume I am some lower life form, I am a graduate and an expert in what I do , who you couldn’t work without .
So please wake up smell the coffee and pay us properly!!
I do not want 2014 to be the same it’s immoral and needs to stop.”
StreetwiseSubbie exists for the benefit of all Specialist Contractors regardless of size or specialisation.
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