Is Your Mindset Holding You Back in Specialist Contracting?
Your beliefs and thoughts about you and your Specialist Contracting business, i.e. your mind-set, could be holding you back.
Please don’t switch off, and please bear with me for 30 seconds on this.
Because of personal circumstances in my early life, I used to think that I just wasn’t as good as other people. Of course I would never have admitted that at the time. But then in my 30’s I discovered a whole world of possibilities, and now I know that “if it’s to be – it’s up to me”.
In the words of best selling author and psychiatrist Dr Howard C Cutler; “… a large measure of the way we behave, think and feel is determined by learning and conditioning”
In other words the way I thought was determined not by logic, but by my circumstances.
You might not realise it, but your mind-set about what you can actually achieve in the world of Specialist Contracting, what you have learned or been conditioned to believe, might just be holding you and your company back.
Achieving success is never easy (albeit that some people make t look easy), and it all starts with mind-set.
Developing The Right Mind-set
First of all do you think that the way the industry treats Specialist Contractors helps or hinders your mind-set about what you can achieve?
I know what I think. I think the industry in general treats Specialist Contractors very poorly indeed. And certain parts of the industry deliberately seek to make you feel inferior, and deliberately seek to condition you into feeling that way.
Ever heard a Contractor say “someone else will do it cheaper”, or “we will just get another “subbie” to do it, and charge you for it.”
It takes time, but the following can help you to develop the right mind-set for success:
Try to find the very best information in your field. You could do worse than check out the free information on our web site;
Come and share your thoughts and ideas with 2,185 other owners, directors and senior personnel exclusively from Specialist Contracting companies and our team.
Examine your mind-set by looking at your current belief-system. Are these beliefs supporting you? Or are they self-limiting beliefs?
If your response to points 1 and 2 was I can’t be bothered with that, or I don’t have time for that, then you definitely need to change that belief.
We are helping thousands of Specialist Contractors just like you to find their voice so why not come and join us?
Specialist Contractors are the most important part of the construction and engineering industries, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise or de-value your importance. Even the Government’s own report says so!
“BIS Research paper 118 highlights the ’system-wide importance’ of Specialist Contractors in the construction industry as a result of the high levels of trade credit that they supply to main contractors.”
So, there you are it’s official, don’t let anyone put you down. You are the back bone of the industry and you are entitled to achieve great things for you and your family.
I hope you enjoyed my Wise Up Wednesday email and that it gave you some food for thought, and I sincerely hope to speak with you soon.
In the meantime if you need any help with any of your business problems, including onerous contract terms, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and give us a call on 01773 712116.