Issue Notices. Don’t Put Your Business At Risk.
Make Sure You Get Noticed! (Part 1)
Today’s Wise Up Wednesday is the first of three WUW’s about the all important subject of why you should issue notices.
Here’s the blunt truth: If you don’t give notice you put your business at risk!
Although giving notice is perhaps unfamiliar territory for lots of subcontractors, it is something that MUST be done in order to protect your interests when things start to go wrong. Not only is it unfamiliar territory, it is also something that the contractor will probably try and dissuade you from doing!
Issue Notices: DO NOT be put off
So, perhaps it’s no surprise just how poor the letters and notices submitted by some Specialist Contractors can actually be. What seems very clear and appropriate at the time when we are under pressure to get the job done, can prove almost useless when trying to prove your case for delay at the end of a problem contract.
Some ‘not so good as it seems’ examples!
‘We confirm our visit to site today and our view that the site is not ready for commencement of our works. We shall keep in close contact and visit again next week.’
# Why is it unready? # Be specific!
‘We refer to our conversation on site yesterday, and trust that you are now clear regarding the reasons for our delay in commencement of Level 2, which result from the default of others.’
# What are the reasons?
# Delay in commencing what activities?
# Who are ‘others’?
‘We confirm our site discussions yesterday, when we explained that we are unable to commence our installations on Level 2, due to lack of readiness by other trades. This may affect our programme.’
# What exact installations?
# What other trades?
# What is not ready?
# Which programme activity may be affected?
Angry/sarcastic/contractual correspondence
In some quarters it was considered great stuff to send letters or emails full of sarcasm and semi-abuse. It might have made some people feel better but it is unprofessional and just gets in the way.
Equally, some practitioners teach that no delay notice is complete without a mass of clause numbers and ‘barrack room lawyer’ material. No wonder we have so many stand up confrontations with Contractors and Clients!
The emphasis is on protecting the company without losing the client! That means we have to be a lot more subtle in the way we write our letters and notices. But write them we must!
Issue Notices: Take Action
Take action to safeguard your business from the catastrophic impact of delay and disruption.
If you don’t then it could cost you your business…
Some unscrupulous Contractors use every trick in the book, to reduce and delay payments, including blaming you for delay and setting off all the costs against your account.
Don’t be one of the casualties, take action now.
You can call us for initial no cost advice on 01773 712116, and have an initial free discussion with one of our commercial and contractual consultants to establish the best course of action.
Whatever level your business is at, and whatever your specialisation I want to encourage you to experience and enjoy a better more profitable, less stressful way.
I hope you enjoyed my Wise Up Wednesday email and that it gave you some food for thought, and please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and give us a call if you need any help with any of your business problems on 01773 712116. Alternatively, you can email StreetwiseSubbie here.
And finally, please do remember that most business owners just hope the problem will go away. Be one of the smart ones that actually makes sure that delays won’t lead to payment problems that could cost you your business.