Wise Up Wednesday: How To Avoid Getting The Blame (and paying the price) For Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts
The future isn’t certain, and no-one truly knows what is around the corner.
That’s why we have put together our Streetwise Wise Up Wednesday Guides to give you a quick burst of stuff that will help you in your business life.
Here’s How To Avoid Getting The Blame (and paying the price) For Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts
If it wasn’t the heaps of heavy snow last winter, it’s the storms, 100mph winds and flooding this winter. Nature is well known for putting obstacles in the path of UK construction works, as are many other elements, not all of them natural.
If it isn’t the weather causing delays, it could be any one of a number of factors caused by other sub-contractors, the main contractor or suppliers. But no matter what the cause of the delay to your works, you can be sure there is always someone looking to shift the blame.
And if you aren’t careful, the finger of blame will be pointed at you!
This could expose your company to all kinds of costs and obligations whether they are written into your contract or not.
Here’s our Wise up Wednesday check-list for avoiding blame when your construction project comes up against a road block:
- Understand your programme obligations under the contract, in particular the start date, duration and completion date.
- If you cannot proceed with your work due to the bad weather or other issues, record the fact with an email, letter or fax. Doing nothing is fatal.
- Take dated photographs of anything that is delaying your progress. It isn’t enough that the floods are all over the news, you need solid proof of how it affects YOUR job!
- If it becomes evident that you will not complete by the completion date due to the delays, you must be able to demonstrate it’s not your fault and you should apply immediately for an extension of time.
- Understand the requirements for submitting applications for extensions of time, as in some circumstances you may lose your entitlement if you do not act immediately!
Evidence Is Your Best Defence
Despite the fact that it is beyond your control delay and disruption can be used against you!
Some Main Contractors want you to fail…
Certain Main Contractors are out to find any way possible to reduce your payment and improve their own bottom line, as they strive to survive and succeed in extremely difficult economic conditions.
But the survival and success of Main Contractors SHOULD NOT and DOES NOT have to be at your expense.
Knowing your rights and understanding how to use them to ensure your own survival and success in situations like these is your best defence against those Main Contractors that use dirty tricks to increase their profits.
Do you want to know more about protecting your interests?
Would you like to stop struggling along and start being more successful in UK construction?
Then join us this March as we talk ‘7 Key Secrets That Will Ensure Your Survival And Success In 2014’.
Here’s a link to full details on the contents of the event.
Tuesday March 11th – Morning Seminar Cedar Court Hotel Leeds/Bradford
Tuesday March 18th – Morning Seminar at Holiday Inn Chester South
Tuesday March 25th – Morning Seminar at Holiday Inn Luton South
There are still some discounted places left but please be quick before they are all taken.
Normal ticket price is reduced to only £50 + VAT for the first 50 places!
You will gain priceless knowledge that will help you to not only prevent getting blamed for delays, but also protect and grow your business in 2014, whatever happens to the economy.
Simply email info@streetwisesubbie.com or call the lovely ladies in the Streetwise office on +44 (0)1773 712116 and they will be happy to take your Priority Reservation.
As always, I hope you enjoyed my Wise Up Wednesday blog post and that it gave you some food for thought, and if you need any help with any of your business problems, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and give us a call.