Wise Up Wednesday: Is Interserve Next?
Wise Up Wednesday
Is Interserve Next?
Whatever happens to Interserve in the next few days or weeks, I will say the same thing I said about Carillion in January this year.
I firmly believe it’s time for truth!
It’s time that the government and every single decent individual working in the construction industry, whatever trade or profession, said “enough’s enough!”
It’s time to stop ignoring the shameful and degrading way that some of the big players treat their subcontractors and suppliers!
Everyone knows what a dire state of affairs we have in construction, but the government and others turn a blind eye to what is going on right under their nose.
The government and other bodies are choosing to ignore the shameful way that Spelialist Sub-Contractors continue to go unpaid or under paid, for work properly and professionally carried out.
Lack Of Payment Is Crippling The Industry
Millions of pounds, goes unpaid, often, forcing the subbies to fight disputes and contest onerous claims, as certain Main Contractors unfairly retain monies paid to them by their clients and you the tax payer!
StreetwiseSubbie.com, is a national organisation that exclusively helps the Specialist Contractors fight back against poor payment practices and is almost a lone voice in trying to change the status quo. The government issues yet another consultation and the worthies bicker over the side show of banning retention.
Time after time our consultants are called in to help Specialist Contractors who are owed tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds, wrongly held back by Main Contractors.
We have carried out payment surveys, given evidence to a Parliamentary inquiry and appeared on local and national radio. And despite Government and BuildUK claims to the contrary, the payment situation has gone from bad to worse, and the Supply Chain payment Charter has been branded a “Dismal Failure”.
Support Those That Support You
In a bid to help more Specialist Contractors resolve payment and related business problems, StreetwiseSubbie has extended its range of expert industry consultants who can help you to find solutions to all sorts of business problems.
The construction industry is a tough place to do business presently and StreetwiseSubbie provides the information you need to help you to solve business development and commercial and contractual problems, most commonly, getting paid.
It seems that sometimes it takes a big name to fail to make people sit up and look at things happening in the industry in a different light, and people certainly took notice when Carillion failed.
The problem is that no lessons were learned.
Enough’s enough, let’s all work together for real truth and real change.
Improving The Lives Of Specialist Contractors
Our objective is simple. We want to improve the lives of Specialist Contractors. And we do that by bringing you cost effective resources to help make your life easier and your business more profitable.
By working with our Service Delivery Partners across the country, we bring you professional support in all the important areas of your business.
And, because we only work with Specialist Contractors you can be sure that we know the kind of problems you face, and the solutions that work best. Saves a lot of time, and a lot of money.
So please feel free to give us a call on 01773 712116 or email us on info@streetwisesubbie.com.
I sincerely hope to speak with you soon.
Best regards
P.S. Please remember if you need any support please take action sooner rather than later. If you’re not sure what you need, or just want a second opinion, please give us a call on 01773 712116, or email info@streetwisesubbie.com
P.P.S. Please forward this to all your team and all Specialist Contractors that you know, it’s true what they say – there is strength in numbers. Help us to help ALL Specialist Contractors.