Tag: construction act

Wise Up Wednesday – How To Get Paid Properly And On Time!

As a Specialist Contractor you will know how frustrating, time consuming and stressful not getting paid can be. You know the pain of having to meet your wages bill at the end of …

Wise Up Wednesday: Understanding Is The Key

Complex contracts set out by large Contractors can often leave you struggling to understand what it is that you are actually being asked to sign up to, or may have already unwittingly …

It’s Wise Up Wednesday: Banks Have Cut Lending To Contractors!

It’s Wise Up Wednesday Banks Have Cut Lending To Contractors! Banks have been steadily cutting lending to construction companies over the last six months. Latest figures from the Bank of England show …

Wise Up Wednesday: What’s The Construction Act? And What’s It Got To Do With My Business?

It’s Wise Up Wednesday! What’s The Construction Act? And What’s It Got To Do With My Business? The Construction Act, or to give it its full name the “Housing Grants Construction and …

Wise Up Wednesday: Applying The Payment Law

This week’s Wise Up Wednesday Guide for Specialist Contractors is about the all important topic of getting paid. The “Payment Law” in the form of the Construction Act exists to protect you, …

A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships – Or Does It?

I have just received an email from a guy called Peter Thomson who many of you will know, is a great business guru and self publisher of hundreds of self improvement products. …

You Must Find Out About Who You Are Intending To Work For!

As many of you who follow this blog or are in our LinkedIn Group will already know, in addition to being MD of StreetwiseSubbie.com Ltd, I am still very active on commercial …

Are Contractors Destroying Your Business?

Quick 10 Question Survey

It Seems that every day brings another bleak headline for the UK construction industry.

And it is the Specialist Sub-Contractors who are suffering most. Here’s another example hot off the press from Construction Enquirer;

“… specialist contractors warn that late payment, zero or very poor margins and main contractor insolvency remain serious threats to their business over the next six months.

Half the 228 contractors surveyed by trade body B&ES said tender prices were lower than they were six months ago – and that, while labour costs had remained more or less static, there had been a significant increase in the cost of materials.”

That’s just part of the story and we want your help as a UK Specialist Sub-Contractor to take a few minutes to complete our own on-line survey.

Become a Streetwise Buddy

Construction’s a tough place to do business right now, and Specialist Contractors need all the help you can get. That’s why you will find our resources and expertise are invaluable, whatever the size of your business and whatever your specialisation. We’re here to help you solve all your business problems, including the crucially important contractual ones, such as getting paid.

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